
Showing posts from December, 2022

other parts of the world today, a common saying

  In Nigeria and many other parts of the world today, a common saying is “I have a profitable business idea BUT I don‘t possess the required capital to start it“. While it is a known fact th find at capital is the life blood of any business, not having it in the required amount should not hinder the dream of an entrepreneur. Through assets sales, crowdfunding, angel investors and lending platforms, you can make your entrepreneurial dream come true without having capital. See how to start a business with no capital. 1. ASSETS SALES:  As an aspiring entrepreneur, you should be aware of the fact that assets have value and can be converted into cash, as such, your existing assets ranging fro house m your cell phone to automobile(s)/landed properties can bail you out in your pursuit of cash needed for turn your business business idea into a going concern. 2. CROWDFUNDING:  You can realize your entrepreneurial ambition by joining crowdfunding platforms ...

other parts of the world today, a common saying

  In Nigeria and many other parts of the world today, a common saying is “I have a profitable business idea BU T I don‘t possess the required capital to start it“. While it is a known fact that capital is the life blood of any business, not having it in the required amount should not hinder the dream of an entrepreneur. Through assets sales, crowdfunding, angel investors and lending platforms, you can make your entrep reneurial dream come true without having capital. See how to start a business with no capital. 1. ASSETS SALES:  As an aspiring entrepreneur, you should be aware of the fact tha assets have value and can be converted into cash, as such, your existing assets ranging from your cell phone to automobile(s)/landed properties can bail you out in your pursuit of cash needed for turn your business idea into a going concern. 2. CROWDFUNDING:  You can realize your entrepreneurial ambition by joining crow...