
other parts of the world today, a common saying

  In Nigeria and many other parts of the world today, a common saying is “I have a profitable business idea BUT I don‘t possess the required capital to start it“. While it is a known fact th find at capital is the life blood of any business, not having it in the required amount should not hinder the dream of an entrepreneur. Through assets sales, crowdfunding, angel investors and lending platforms, you can make your entrepreneurial dream come true without having capital. See how to start a business with no capital. 1. ASSETS SALES:  As an aspiring entrepreneur, you should be aware of the fact that assets have value and can be converted into cash, as such, your existing assets ranging fro house m your cell phone to automobile(s)/landed properties can bail you out in your pursuit of cash needed for turn your business business idea into a going concern. 2. CROWDFUNDING:  You can realize your entrepreneurial ambition by joining crowdfunding platforms ...

other parts of the world today, a common saying

  In Nigeria and many other parts of the world today, a common saying is “I have a profitable business idea BU T I don‘t possess the required capital to start it“. While it is a known fact that capital is the life blood of any business, not having it in the required amount should not hinder the dream of an entrepreneur. Through assets sales, crowdfunding, angel investors and lending platforms, you can make your entrep reneurial dream come true without having capital. See how to start a business with no capital. 1. ASSETS SALES:  As an aspiring entrepreneur, you should be aware of the fact tha assets have value and can be converted into cash, as such, your existing assets ranging from your cell phone to automobile(s)/landed properties can bail you out in your pursuit of cash needed for turn your business idea into a going concern. 2. CROWDFUNDING:  You can realize your entrepreneurial ambition by joining crow...

ampaign is targeting Zoom users who may have undressed or g

  A new cybercrime campaign is targeting Zoom users who may have undressed or got intimate on camera. The hackers send emails claiming that they successfully hacked the vi ctims’ camera using a zero-day security vulnerability in the Zoom app. Then, they threaten to publish their naked photos or explicit videos unless they pay $2,000 in bitcoin. Researchers at Bitdefender Antispam Lab were the first to spot this sextortion scheme, which focuses on the psychological, emotional, and technological cues to trick people into thinking their privacy has been breached. Cybercriminals initiated this campaign following the with reputable new reporter and TV analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who exposed himself during a Zoom conference call. Toobin apologized for his actions, saying he was unaware the camera was still on. The chat was an el ection simulation and featured several high-profile stars from the New Yorker and producers from US radio station WNYC. ...

ont of a cam could easily believe the scammers’ tricks, e

  A new cybercrime campaign is targeting Zoom users who may have undressed or got intimate on camera. The hackers send emails claiming that they successfully hacked the victims’ camera using a zero-day security vulnerability in the Zoom app. Then, they threaten to publish their naked photos or explicit videos un less they pay $2,000 in bitcoin. Researchers at Bitdefender Antispam Lab were the first to spot this sextortion scheme, which focuses on the psychological, emotional, and technological cues to trick people into thinking their privacy has been breached. Cybercriminals initiated this campaign following the with reputable new reporter and TV analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who exposed himself during a Zoom conference call. Toobin apologized for his actions, saying he was unaware the camera was still on. The chat was an electi on simulation and featured several high-profile stars from the New Yorker and producers from US radio station WNYC....

ampaign is targeting Zoom users who may have undressed or g

  A new cybercrime campaign is targeting Zoom users who may have undressed or got intimate on camera. The hackers send emails claiming that they successfully hack ed the victims’ camera using a zero-day security vulnerability in the Zoom app. Then, they threaten to publish their naked photos or explicit videos unless they pay $2,000 in bitcoin. Researchers at Bitdefender Antispam Lab were the first to spot this sextortion scheme, which focuses on the psychological, emotional, and technological cues to trick people into thinking their privacy has been breached. Cybercriminals initiated this campaign following the with reputable new reporter and TV analyst&nb sp;Jeffrey Toobin, who exposed himself during a Zoom conference call. Toobin apologized for his actions, saying he was unaware the camera was still on. The chat was an election simulation and featured several high-profile stars from the New Yorker and producers from US radio station ...

ont of a cam could easily believe the scammers’ tricks, e

  A new cybercrime campaign is targeting Zoom users who may have undressed or got intimate on camera. The hackers send emails claiming that they successfully hacked the victims’ camera using a zero-day security vulnerability in the Zoom app. Then, they threaten to publish their naked photos or explicit videos u nless they pay $2,000 in bitcoin. Researchers at Bitdefender Antispam Lab were the first to spot this sextortion scheme, which focuses on the psychological, emotional, and technological cues to trick people into thinking their privacy has been breached. Cybercriminals initiated this campaign following the with reputable new reporter and TV analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who exposed hims elf during a Zoom conference call. Toobin apologized for his actions, saying he was unaware the camera was still on. The chat was an election simulation and featured several high-profile stars from the New Yorker and producers from US radio station WNYC. Two peopl...

e was unaware the camera was still on. The chat was a

  A new cybercrime campaign is targeting Zoom users who may have undressed or got intimate on camera. The hackers send emails claiming that they successfully hacked the victims’ camera using a zero-day security vulnerability in the Zoom app. Then, they threaten to pub lish their naked photos or explicit videos unless they pay $2,000 in bitcoin. Researchers at Bitdefender Antispam Lab were the first to spot this sextortion scheme, which focuses on the psychological, emotional, and technological cues to trick people into thinking their privacy has been breached. Cybercriminals initiated this campaign following the with reputable new reporter and TV analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who exposed himself during a Zoom conference call. Toobin apologized for his actions, saying he was unaware the camera was sti ll on. The chat was an election simulation and featured several high-profile stars from the New Yorker and producers from US radio station WNYC. Two pe...